Architects known to have worked in Pittsburgh.
We have a Directory of Pittsburgh architects in 1913 that gives names and business addresses of all our well-known architects of the early twentieth century.
For a good start on matching buildings with architects, old Pa Pitt has a spreadsheet called Father Pitt’s Great Big List of Buildings and Architects. It already has more than two thousand entries.
We have also begun to plot some architectural maps that match buildings to their architects in particular neighborhoods.
In the 1960s, James D. Van Trump wrote “The Stones of Pittsburgh,” an architectural tour still valuable both for its information and for its opinions. We reproduce the whole text.
Meanwhile, we are slowly building a series of articles on individual architects.
Bartberger, Charles F.
Bartberger, Charles M.
Bellinger, Louis A. S.
Bickel, Charles
De Bobula, Titus
Estep, Harry Summers
Garman, Thomas Benner
Hannah, Thomas
Hornbostel, Henry
Hutchins, William P.
Ingham & Boyd
Janssen, Benno
MacClure & Spahr
Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig
Osterling, Frederick
Patterson, Rody
Rieger, Charles J. and Chris
Rigaumont, Victor A.
Rogers, George O.
Schwan, George H.
Scott, Thomas H.
Sharove, Alexander
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill
Stillburg, Joseph
Stotz, Edward
Strong, Thomas Carlton
Trimble, Robert Maurice
Wassum, John Stewart
Wickerham, Adam George