Rody Patterson
[![Rody Patterson](images/rody-patterson.webp)](images/rody-patterson.webp)
We take our biography and picture of Mr. Patterson, about whom father Pitt knows nothing else, from a biography published in [Volume IV of *Pittsburgh of Today: Its Resources and People*](, by Frank S. Harper (New York: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1931).
**RODY PATTERSON**—Although he is the fifth generation of his family and the fifth man of the name Rody Patterson to live in Pittsburgh, where he is a prominent architect, the Rody Patterson of the present day, of whom this is a record, was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. His birth came about in that State only because of the business conditions of the time, which caused his father to live temporarily in Indiana instead of in Pennsylvania, the ancestral home of the family. His birth date was December 17, 1808, and his parents were Rody and Nona (Miller) Patterson.
Rody Patterson, the Pittsburgh architect of today, received his early education in the public schools, and divided his attendance at them between the schools of Cleveland, Ohio, where he was for a time, and those of Brooklyn, New York. Then he came to Pittsburgh, whither his family returned, and was here graduated from Allegheny High School in the class of 1917. In April of 1917 he enlisted at Pittsburgh in the Naval Reserve Force. He served on S. P. 467. He attended the Officers’ Material School at University of Pennsylvania; was commissioned ensign in the Reserve Force, and later was transferred to the United States Navy as commanding officer of sub-chaser 427. He resigned from the navy in June, 1920, and immediately entered Carnegie Institute of Technology, from which institution he was graduated in architecture in the class of 1923, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Architecture. At the beginning he worked under the direction of others in his chosen profession until he became a registered architect, and in 1926 entered business on his own account. He has been successful in his work, and his many friends predict a brilliant future for him.
In addition to his professional activities, Mr. Patterson is active in the affairs of his city, being a member of the Pittsburgh Architects’ Club and the Psi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and being ever eager to support all those enterprises which tend toward advancement of the best interests of the general public of Pittsburgh.
Rody Patterson married Frances Trent.