Father Pitt’s Pittsburgh Encyclopedia

Thomas Hannah

Thomas Hannah
From Palmer’s Pictorial Pittsburgh

Keenan Building

Keenan Building

In the early twentieth century, Thomas Hannah was one of our most important architects. He’s not as well remembered today as some of the other big names, but you knew he was important when you came to consult him because he had his office in a skyscraper he designed: the Keenan Building. He was remarkably versatile: he gave us a number of churches in very different styles, but he was equally at home designing a factory.

First Congregational Church

First Congregational Church (St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral)

Western Theological Seminary

Western Theological Seminary

Here is a very incomplete list of his works:

Bair & Gazzam Building additions, Strip, 1914 or after
Baptist Home, Mount Lebanon, 1914 or after
Beechview United Presbyterian Church
First Congregational Church (St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral), Oakland, 1904
First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood, 1918
Gregg House, Squirrel Hill, 1909
House at 203 Lytton Avenue, Schenley Farms, 1906
Keenan Building, 1907
Western Theological Seminary (West Hall), Allegheny West, 1912
YMCA (East Liberty), 1910

East Liberty YMCA

East Liberty YMCA

Check the Great Big List of Buildings and Architects; it is kept up to date with Father Pitt’s latest research.

Beechview Presbyterian Church

Beechview United Presbyterian Church

Father Pitt and His World

Father Pitt. Pictures of Pittsburgh and the world around it.

Flora Pittsburghensis. Wild flowers of Pitts­burgh and Western Pennsylvania.

Pittsburgh Cemeteries. The art and architecture of death.

The Mirrour of the World, or thymage of the same. Random pictures from here and there.

Monochrome World. All the colors of black and white.

Two-Color World. The world is an old postcard.

Imaginary Color. If the world were in color, it might look like this.

Dr. Boli’s Celebrated Publishing Empire

Dr. Boli’s Celebrated Magazine. The heart of the empire.

An Eclectic Library. Dr. Boli’s collection of interesting and unusual books on line.

The Historical Spectator. History as seen by the people who lived through it.

The Argosy of Pure Delight. The delight of discovering something new to read.

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