The Ever-Expanding Guide to Pittsburgh

Here Father Pitt is building a reference to all things that have to do with Pittsburgh. Since the subject is impossibly huge, the Encyclopedia will never be complete. It is useful as a permanent storehouse of information that Father Pitt can cite in his articles, so that he does not have to repeat the same information over and over. It also collects lists of resources that other researchers might find useful.

Histories of Pittsburgh and western Pennsylvania.

Historic maps of Pittsburgh and the surrounding area.

Architects who worked in Pittsburgh, with representative examples of their works.

The Pittsburgh Architectural Club, which held more or less annual exhibitions and published a monthly magazine.

Sculptors responsible for public sculptures in Pittsburgh.

City directories for Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and surrounding areas.

Trade magazines with construction listings and other references that may be helpful in identifying architects and builders.

Publications from Pittsburgh:

Early books printed in Pittsburgh: Books printed in Pittsburgh in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

Pittsburgh newspapers: Newspapers from Pittsburgh and the surrounding area, as found in various archives.

Picture books of Pittsburgh: illustrated souvenirs and similar publications, arranged by date.

Historical Pittsburgh businesses: Catalogues and commercial literature for firms in Pittsburgh and nearby.