Histories of Pittsburgh & Western Pennsylvania.

History and descriptions of Pittsburgh and the surrounding area.

Register of Fort Duquesne, 1754-1756. Edited and translated by A. A. Lambing. Memorial edition, 1954.

Incidents of the Insurrection in the Western Parts of Pennsylvania, 1794. By Hugh H. Brackenridge. Philadelphia: John McCulloch, 1795. —Probably the most important primary source for the history of the Whiskey Rebellion, it also has the advantage of having been written by Pittsburgh’s lone literary giant of the era, who applied his narrative skill to making the book a page-turner as well as an accurate (if self-justifying) history.

A Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania. Part first, contains a general description of the state, its situation and extent, general geological construction, canals, and rail-roads, bridges, revenue, expenditures, public debt, &c. &c. Part second, embraces ample descriptions of its counties, towns, cities, villages, mountains, lakes, rivers, creeks, &c. alphabetically arranged. By Thomas F, Gordon. Philadelphia: T. Belknap, 1832. —Includes, of course, useful descriptions of all the towns in the Pittsburgh area.

The History of Pittsburgh, with a brief notice of its facilities of communication, and other advantages for commercial and manufacturing purposes. By Neville B. Craig, Esq. Pittsburgh: John H. Mellor, 1851.

Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo, of the Virginia Regiment. Pittsburgh: John S. Davidson, 1854. —Major Stobo was held captive by the French at Fort Duquesne, where he drew a map and wrote a detailed description of the place, and managed to have them smuggled out to the English forces. His memoir was obtained with great labor and edited by Neville B. Craig, author of the History of Pittsburgh above.

History of the Western Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, Commonly Called the Whiskey Rebellion, 1794. By H. M. Brackenridge. Pittsburgh: W. S. Haven, 1859. —Written in large part in response to the Neville Craig history above. H. M. Brackenridge was the son of Hugh Henry Brackenridge, and wrote this history largely to vindicate his father, whose memory he believed Craig had slandered. Much of this history is founded on the elder Brackenridge’s Incidents of the Insurrection.

The Life of Albert Gallatin, by Henry Adams. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co, 1879.

The Navigator, containing directions for navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers; with an ample account of these much admired waters, from the head of the former to the mouth of the latter; and a complete description of their towns, villages, harbors, settlements, &c. Pittsburgh: Franklin Head (Zadok Cramer and various partners). —Zadok Cramer was Pittsburgh's first book publisher, or at least the first to make a long-term business of publishing. This book was his cash cow: it went through edition after edition after edition. Its description of Pittsburgh itself is one of the best we have of the city as it was two hundred years ago.

Fifth Edition (1808).

Seventh Edition (1811).

Eighth Edition (1814).

Ninth Edition (1817).
Another copy.

Tenth Edition (1818),

Eleventh Edition (1821).
Another copy.

The Western Address Directory: Containing the cards of merchants, manufacturers, and other business men, in Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Zanesville, Portsmouth, Dayton, Cincinnati, Madison (Ind.), Louisville, St. Louis. Together with historical, topographical & Statistical sketches, (for the year 1837,) of those cities, and towns in the Mississippi valley. Intended as a guide to travellers. To which is added, alphabetically arranged, a list of the steam-boats on the Western waters. By W. G. Lyford. Baltimore: Printed by Jos. Robinson, 1837. —Includes a very colorful description of the journey to Pittsburgh and beyond, with an especially lively description of the young city itself.

Old Pittsburgh Days. By  T. J. Chapman. Pittsburgh: J. R. Weldin & Co., 1900.

Pittsburgh: A Sketch of Its Early Social Life. By Charles W. Dahlinger. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1916.

Pittsburgh and Allegheny in the Centennial Year. By George H. Thurston. Pittsburgh: A. A. Anderson & Son, 1876. —Illustrated with many priceless, though cheaply printed, woodcuts.
Another copy.
Another copy.
Another copy.

The Illustrated Guide and Handbook of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, describing and locating the principal places of interest in and about the two cities. Pittsburgh: Fisher & Stewart, 1887.

Genealogical and Personal History of Western Pennsylvania. Editor-in-Chief John W. Jordan. New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Company, 1915. —Biographies of prominent Western Pennsylvanians.

Vol. I.

Vol. II.
Another copy.

Vol. III.

History of Pittsburgh and Environs. By George Thornton Fleming and Special Contributors and Members of the Editorial Staff. New York and Chicago: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1922.

Volume I.

Volume II.

Volume III.



☛It is not immediately obvious on what principle the biographical volumes are organized. They are not alphabetical. Each of the two volumes has its own index. Supposedly each biography was submitted for verification to the subject.

Pittsburgh of Today: Its Resources and People. By Frank S. Harper. New York: The American Historical Society, Inc., 1931.

Vol. 1. History.

Vol. 2. Industry, commerce, culture, religion, education.

Vol. 3. Biographical.

Vol. 4. Biographical.

Vol. 5. Biographical.

☛Once again, the biographical volumes are not organized in any obvious way; it is necessary to use the index or the Internet Archive’s search function to find names and professions.

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